The city of Autun

The city of Autun

Map showing Autun in Burgundy

Nearest canal village: Escommes (45-kilometre drive)

Nearest canal lock: 1 Saône

Autun has a long history. In Ancient Roman times, the city was called Augustodunum, and many traces of this period remain in and around the city.

Autun is also home to a military academy with a long list of well-known people, including Patrice de Mac-Mahon, president of France from 1873 to 1879. 

There are many streets with old houses, boutiques and restaurants of all kinds. One of the most imposing buildings is the Cathédrale Saint-Lazare which was built in 1146, recently restored the cathedral is a worthwhile visit.

What to visit in Autun

  • Cathédrale Saint-Lazare
  • Prison Panoptique
  • Museum Rolin
  • Roman theatre
  • Temple de Janus
  • Tour des Ursulines
  • The city gates of Arroux and Saint-André
  • La Pyramide de Couhard
  • The weekly Wednesday and Friday market
  • The arcade

Photos of Autun

Streets in Autun

Petit Rue Chauchien

Coloured houses

Rue aux Maréchaux

The market place

Overlooking the marketplace

Market hall

The interior market hall

Shopping arcade

La Galerie Du Passage Balthus from the 19th-century

Cathédrale Saint-Lazare

Cathédrale Saint-Lazare

La Pyramide de Couhard

The Roman pyramid "Pyramide de Couhard" dating 1st-century AD, was 30 metres high and covered in white marble.

Tour des Ursulines

Tour des Ursulines, which was once called the Tower of Prisoners is a dungeon dating from the 12 century

Roman theatre

Roman theatre 1st-century AD

Temple of Janus

The remains of the Temple of Janus, dating from the 1st century AD, the structure is 20 metres high

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