The city of Autun

Nearest canal village: Escommes (45-kilometre drive)
Nearest canal lock: 1 Saône
Autun has a long history. In Ancient Roman times, the city was called Augustodunum, and many traces of this period remain in and around the city.
Autun is also home to a military academy with a long list of well-known people, including Patrice de Mac-Mahon, president of France from 1873 to 1879.
There are many streets with old houses, boutiques and restaurants of all kinds. One of the most imposing buildings is the Cathédrale Saint-Lazare which was built in 1146, recently restored the cathedral is a worthwhile visit.
What to visit in Autun
- Cathédrale Saint-Lazare
- Prison Panoptique
- Museum Rolin
- Roman theatre
- Temple de Janus
- Tour des Ursulines
- The city gates of Arroux and Saint-André
- La Pyramide de Couhard
- The weekly Wednesday and Friday market
- The arcade
Photos of Autun

Petit Rue Chauchien

Rue aux Maréchaux

Overlooking the marketplace

The interior market hall

La Galerie Du Passage Balthus from the 19th-century

Cathédrale Saint-Lazare

The Roman pyramid "Pyramide de Couhard" dating 1st-century AD, was 30 metres high and covered in white marble.

Tour des Ursulines, which was once called the Tower of Prisoners is a dungeon dating from the 12 century

Roman theatre 1st-century AD

The remains of the Temple of Janus, dating from the 1st century AD, the structure is 20 metres high