The castle of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois

#ChateauneufenAuxois #Castle #fortified #History
Nearest village: Châteauneuf en Auxois
Nearest canal village: Vandenesse en Auxois
Nearest canal lock: 11 Saône
The castle of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois is 2.7km from Vandenesse-En-Auxois, 10km from Pouilly-En-Auxois, and 45km from Dijon.
If you're cruising on the canal moor close to Lock 10 or Lock 11, it is a 1.6km walk or bicycle ride to the castle.
The castle is one of the most well-known monuments in France.
The castle was built in 1132 by Jean de Chaudenay for his second son Jehan. Jehan took possession of Castro Novo in 1175. The family reigned over the fief for 9 generations, ending in tragedy in 1456, when Cathrine of Châteauneuf was burnt to death, after poisoning her second husband, Jacques d'Haussonville.
Jean de Chaudenay constructed the castle in 1132 for his son Jehan, who became Jean I de Châteauneuf upon gaining custody of it in 1175. The strong defences surrounding the castle's keep from the 12th century were subsequently constructed by the Châteauneuf lords in response to the threat of the Hundred Years' War. The last heiress, Catherine de Châteauneuf, was burned alive in 1456 for poisoning her second husband, Jacques d'Haussonville, bringing an end to the nine-generation Châteauneuf family's rule.
Then the stronghold was offered by Philippe le Bon, Duke of Burgundy, to his advisor and godson Philippe Pot in 1457. Pot was a knight of Saint Michael and a member of the "Order of the Golden Fleece" defenders of the Christian faith (l'Ordre de la Toison d'or), he also owned the nearby castle of La Rochepot.
He then changed the castle to make it more livable while maintaining the Duchy of Burgundy's court style. A chapel and a house in the flamboyant Gothic style were constructed in the castle's courtyard during this period.

Philippe Pot had no children and died in 1493 the estate was given to his brother Guy Pot and through marriages Marie Liesse de Luxembourg. As she became a Carmelite nun, the castle and lands were purchased by Charles de Vienne, (Count of Commarin). For almost 150 years the castle remained in the family until Louis Henri de Vienne sold the castle to a rich banker "Paris de Montmartel" in 1767. Through various heritage, the castle returned to the hands of the Veinne family.
During the French Revolution, the castle was taken away from the family, and the lands were divided. The new name of the village was Montfranc. All coats of arms and "Royal" symbols were degraded or destroyed. The village remained important as a garrison for the National Guard and a commercial centre with a population of more than 500.
In 1936, Count George de Vogue donated it to the state and Châteauneuf and its neighbouring village were declared protected historical monuments.

A modern-day knight in full armour (40kg)

In the chapel, you can view the mini-replica of Philippe Pot's tomb.
Visits to the Chateau
Telephone 03 80 49 21 89 to reserve or check if the castle is open. During the summer period, the castle is open every day except Mondays